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Today in Anketrakabe the official opening of tree planting in Dianna Region led by Minister VINA Marie-Orléa and the deputy of the DIANA region, the President of the National Assembly, the DREDDDIANA represented by the Ambassador of the Republic of South Korea in Madagascar. 16,000 trees have been planted on the 16hecres of land that has already been equipped with fire protection for the protection of the fruits.

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna Region

tree planting in Dianna RegionThe residents of Anketrakabe planted volivotra were nuts and cassava were found in the places where they were planted, as well as providing food products for them and strengthening the control and protection of the crops from wildfire according to the suggestion brought by the Minister.
4993Hectres of trees will be planted in DIANA region in the year 2022 and the success rate of 83% of the trees planted on open land and forest.