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Ambilobe District, Mantaly Parish, Fonkotany Antanimihavotra, Diana Region.
Work included in 100 of the revitalization and rehabilitation of the fish farm in Cr Mantaly ,Fkt Antanimihavotra where 35 ponds will be found as Zone D Emergence Piscicole (ZEP).
Went down to Ifotony to see where this infrastructure will be put together with Mr MAHATANTE Paubert and the delegates. Hosted by the Governor of the Region on 11 February 2024. A place that will help develop and grow the city and will be able to produce 5 to 10 million fish a year, depending on the location.

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany Antanimihavotra

Fonkotany AntanimihavotraThe place where it will be measured is 2 ha 85a, which is really big and will bring many benefits such as giving jobs to young people etc. It’s also important for ZEP to have this infrastructure because it can provide fish for the whole Diana region. If they are still importing fish from Mahajanga, once they can start breeding.
While in the area, the Minister took the opportunity to talk about the benefits and the importance of fish farming and to provide information.