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Two tiers ceremony was held at CNEC Ambatoloana today 03 November 2022.
The first ceremony is the selection of Madagascar army for the high commanders from the 43rd live regiment named “60th Anniversary of Independence” and the 25th special regiment bearing the name in “Masova” just finished training at the Military Academy.
The second is the presentation of the marks of completion of the “Commando” training to the honorary students from the 44th direct batch and 23 soldiers from the “Parachutist Battalion”.

Madagascar army

Madagascar army

Madagascar army

Madagascar army

Madagascar army

Madagascar army

Madagascar armyThese ceremonies were under the auspices of the Minister of National Defense, General RAKOTONIRINA Richard, and was led by the Commander of the Army, General Etamazaoron. The Minister of Public Order and the General Coordinator attended the strategic work of the Secretary of State in charge of the gendarmerie representing the SEG together with the officials the inside of the Army.
The “Commando” training that these honorary students attended will help them further in fulfilling their duties in public security.