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President Wavel Ramkalawan Commander-in- Chief of the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF), this morning attended the SDF Military Promotion Ceremony followed by the official handing over of the “SAYA DE MALHA” vessel from INPECSA to the Seychelles. Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

Seychelles Defence Forces

The ceremony held at the Seychelles Coast Guard was also attended by the Vice-President Ahmed Afif, Designated Minister Jean-Francois Ferrari, Chief Of Defence Forces Brigadier, Michael Rosette, the Commissioner of Police Ted Barbe, Members of the Defence Forces Council, Chief Of Staff, Col Simon Dine, President of INPECSA Mr. Guilermo and other distinguished guests.

President Wavel Ramkalawan, Commander in Chief of the Seychelles Defence Forces (SDF) was the guest of honour at the SDF Ceremony of military promotions, appointments and awards held at the Seychelles Coast Guard, Ile Perverance base yesterday morning. The ceremony also included the official handing of the “Saya De Malha” vessel donated by INPECSA Fishing to the Seychelles.

The annual ceremony commenced with the customary prayer and reflection by the SDF Chaplain Lt Colonel, Louis Agathine followed by the appointment of the SDF’s first Land Force Commander, Lt Colonel Michael Hollanda. The ceremony also saw the presentation of service medals, which forms part of SDF tradition of rewarding members of the force for long service and good conduct throughout their career and active operations. The two highest appointed officers of the SDF namely, the Chief of Defence Force, Brigadier Michael Rosette and the Chief of Staff, Chief of Staff Colonel Simon Dine received medals from President Ramkalawan for their dedication and exemplary service.

During the ceremony, the President also presented new ranks to two senior officers who qualified for promotion. Commanding Officer of the Seychelles Coast Guard Lt Colonel, Jean Attala was promoted to the rank of Colonel and Deputy Commanding Officer of the Seychelles Coast Guard Major, David Arrisol promoted to the rank of Lt Colonel.

Two Seychelles Air force officers, Major Rodney Zarine and Capt Archile Uzice who have completed training and are now fully qualified Captains of the Dornier class aircraft also received their certificates from the Chief of Defence Forces, Brigadier Rosette.

As part of the ceremony, guests present also witnessed the official handing over of the “Saya De Malha” vessel to the Seychelles Coast Guard (SCG). The President of INPECSA Fishing, Mr Arrien Guillermo and the Chief of Defence Forces, Brigadier Rosette formally signed the handing over documents.

Addressing the guests present, President Ramkalawan congratulated the officers on their promotion and expressed the country’s appreciation for their hard work and devotion. As their Commander in Chief, he further reiterated his full support to the force in the quest to continually ensure the preservation of peace and security of the country.

“The SDF is made up of a group of men and women who are committed to serving our country. Over the past 15 months, I have witnessed much progress and you have demonstrated the highest level of professionalism. There is always room for improvement, but I urge you all to maintain a high level of discipline and remain focused to ensure we continue moving in the right direction, promoting peace and harmony in our country,” said President Ramkalawan.

In relation to the donated vessel and with Maritime Security high on the country’s agenda, on behalf of Seychelles, President Ramkalawan extended the country’s sincere appreciation to the President and General Manager of INPESCA Fishing, Mr Guillermo for the gesture and to the local partners at Seaward Company Ltd.

Delivering his remarks, the Chief of Defence Forces, Brigadier Rosette highlighted some of the key progresses and achievements of the force in 2021 and their areas of focus for 2022. “ This year, we will continue with our operations and invest more time, effort and resources, so that we do make a difference in the lives and livelihood of our citizen and ensure that safety and security prevails within our area of operations, the region and beyond.

The Auxiliary Vessel we received today will be used in a multitude of supporting roles for the Coast Guard, in support of different types of operations and contribute to extend the reach of our maritime forces. With its capabilities, SCG will be able to effectively replenish its various out-stations on the outer islands, refuel and replenish its patrol vessels at sea and better assist local authorities like the Seychelles Fishing Authority in dealing with IUU fishing, as well as the police with counter-narcotics and other law enforcement operations at sea, and even contribute to Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Response (HADR) operations within the region” said Brigadier Rosette.

Also present for the ceremony yesterday was, the Vice President, Mr Ahmed Afif, the Designated Minister Jean-François Ferrari, Chief of Defence Forces Brig Michael Rosette, Commissioner of Police Ted Barbe, Members of the Defence Forces Council, Chief Of Staff Col Simon Dine, President of INPECSA Mr. Guilermo, the CEO of SFA Mr Nichol Elizabeth, representatives of Seaward Company Ltd, SDF Senior Officers and other distinguished guests.