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President Ramkalawan attends ceremony paying tribute to all Health workers in Seychelles
To coincide with the National Day celebrations of Seychelles, President Wavel Ramkalawan and First Lady Mrs. Linda Ramkalawan attended a ceremony at the International Conference Centre Seychelles (ICCS) yesterday evening to pay tribute to all health care workers in the country.
Seychelles Health workersIn his address, the President commended and thanked all the health workers for what they are doing for the community and the nation. With special mention going to those that have worked on the frontline in the fight against Covid-19, he praised them for their bravery, patience, and dedication.
“It is the first time that such an event takes place in honouring our health care workers. Today we celebrate and pay tribute to all health workers in Seychelles as we feel the importance to show our gratitude for the work that you do. Today is also significant, as we look back at all the difficulties the country has faced because of the COVID-19 pandemic; because of you, we now have our hospitals without infected cases. This proves your devotion and the love that you have for your work. On behalf of the people of Seychelles, I want to express my recognition and thank all health-care workers in all the various departments in the Ministry of Health. You can all count on our continuous support,” said President Ramkalawan.
In response to the tribute, the Minister for Health, Mrs. Peggy Vidot thanked the President for his words of appreciation and for speaking on behalf of the people of Seychelles.
“It is with humility that on behalf of all health workers in Seychelles that we accept this homage that underlines our vocation, courage, knowledge, and our ability to serve our country. I know that we have a special place in the heart of every Seychellois. I would like to call upon all health workers to work as a team and see ways to improve the well-being of our people,” she said.Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers

Seychelles Health workers
The ceremony was filled with displays of homage and appreciation to all health workers who have worked tirelessly, devoting their lives to providing health care to everyone. The staff paraded in their respective uniforms to show the different departments within the Ministry of Health. Along with the students from the National Institute of Health and Social Studies (NIHSS), they performed dancing, singing, poem, and instrumental solo. The event also saw the participation of local artists namely Joe Samy, Jean-Marc Volcy, and Mahé Chamber Choir, and the Heartbeat Studio.
President Ramkalawan and other distinguished guests viewed a video showing the journey of the health workers, tracing back from the day that Seychelles announced its first positive cases of COVID-19 on Saturday 14th March 2020 following tests conducted on two individuals in the quarantine facilities in Perseverance. In remembrance of the health workers who have lost their lives because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the ceremony included the symbolic lighting of a candle by a family member. There were also prayers and blessings by Reverend Christine Benoit.
Also present at this auspicious event was the Vice President Mr. Ahmed Afif, the Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Roger Mancienne, Ministers, Leader of Government Business in the National Assembly, Hon. Bernard Georges, Leader of the Opposition in the National Assembly, Hon. Sebastien Pillay, Members of the Diplomatic Corps, the Attorney General, Mr. Frank Ally, the Commissioner of Police, Mr. Ted Barbe, Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly, Hon. Gervais Henrie, Members of the Seychelles National Assembly, Health workers, and other invited guests.