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According to the instructions given by President Andry Rajoelina in his letter to the Government about strengthening the fight against corruption and protecting the land, it started today June 8, 2022 and will last for three days The national conference for real estate that will be held at CCI Ivato.
The goal of this National Conference is to find sustainable solutions to all land barriers, to deliver measurable results and to set a clear agenda for their realisation.







CorruptionOne of the solutions proposed by the President during his speech was to reform the international property management system through coordinated accounting. It concerns either the management of land ownership, or the speed of processing of land documents. And it will be done in full transparency at all levels in order to have clear and infallible information or fraud, the President said.
The instruction he gave to the Ministers in charge was to crack down on the network of occupiers and land grabbing. And there will be no mercy, neither for those who risk, bribery, embezzlement, and bigotry, either among government rivals, or elected officials, or those who do so.
The implementation of new, more efficient and transparent systems within the courts is also necessary, so that each level of judicial system can improve its operations, facilitate audit, and of handling cases of property received in the court.