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Urban development safety net project first phase completion program was held in Adama city, Ethiopia.
The implementation started in the current fiscal year September. The completion schedule of the city development safety net project today, was held in Adama city.
The Minister of Urban and Infrastructure, Mr. Fenta Deje, who was the chief guest at the event said that the government should prevent poverty and improve the lives of our citizens in our cities, to prevent damage caused by man-made and natural disasters and to help them live a better life in the world. Cooperation between Bank and Ethiopian government on 450 million dollar loan agreement to be implemented in 11 cities, the city food insurance and safety net project has been implemented for the past five years. He said that it has enabled more than 6 hundred thousand citizens to participate in different sectors.

Urban development safetyThe first phase of the Urban Development Safety and Food Security Program is aimed at reducing the risk of poverty and food security for the people living below the poverty line and to ensure food security for the poor citizens, the first stage of the urban development safety and food security program, water conservation, green development, construction of educational institutions, summer education-citizens can be benefited by the works done in construction, urban agriculture and other services.Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety

Urban development safety
The completion program was held at Adama city stadium and the program was started with the inauguration of Abba Gedas and a welcome message by Adama city administration vice mayor Mr. Mohammed Guye. The vice mayor expressed in his speech that, more than 26 thousand people have benefited from the project and shared a message of congratulations to the graduates.
The program was presented with graduation certificates for graduates, food products, agricultural products, crafts and innovations prepared by Safety Net. We visited the field and also attended the inauguration of the sheds and classrooms built by the project.