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The Prime Minister, Ntsay Christian, visited the Ambatomainty District, in Melaky Region, on October 22, with the Minister of Interior and Power, and the Minister of Population and Social Welfare and Women Development. The President of the Republic gave a grant to 1000 households that are vulnerable and in need in Ambatomainty district. Mr. Ntsay Christian said during his speech that the people of Ambatomainty are models because they managed to control and respect Melaky’s traditions. The world is at peace when it comes to peace. Peace and security is already a way to development. The head of the government will send a special mission from the ministry of water next week to see how to continue the operation of providing clean drinking water for Ambatomainty.








AmbatomaintyIn education, local districts will be among the four-chamber standard EPP by 2023 as there are currently 200 students per classroom. The surgery will also be completed at the end of this year and the surgeons will be sent. The road vehicles connecting the five municipalities in the district will arrive in Ambatomainty in mid November. The Minister of Home Affairs and Public Affairs has launched a campaign to uphold fundamental civil rights, including birth certificate and ID activities that took place island-wide.
The Prime Minister’s directive on how everyone should take responsibility to prevent and combat wildfires are clear.
The visit of the workshop between the Prime Minister and the members of the government with all the local authorities to look at strategies to continue the development of Ambatomainty district.