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There are 2000 households who support Tosike Vonjy Aigne in Behara, district of Amboasary, Anosy Region.
The poor people in this municipality are not wrong to participate in this social security program funded by the International Bank, and the households that teach children also receive financial assistance (money transfer) thet will make them productive.Anosy Region

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Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

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Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region
We started the distribution of aid last Saturday among the elected MPs of Ampanihy District and other civil and military officials.
There were also meetings and financial aid to our partner organisations, including the Miavotse Women’s Association.

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy Region

Anosy RegionBehara Municipality will benefit from this social protection programme which we are coordinating at Ministry of Population level.
2,000 vulnerable families will be able to benefit from a monthly monetary transfer to keep their children in school and other social actions and support for agricultural production.
We have proceeded to launch this program in Behara on behalf of the Malagasy State by handing over the money transfer envelopes.
The local authorities and Ampanihy MP graced us with their presence.
A warm welcome given to us by the locals especially the female groups.