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African Ambassadors in Qatar underline Qatar’s role in supporting Africa achieve Agenda 2063 goals

African Ambassadors in Qatar expressed confidence that Qatar would play a considerable role in supporting Africa to transform itself into a development powerhouse as outlined in its Agenda 2063.
The Ambassadors made the remarks during the colourful celebration of Africa Day 2022 in Doha, in the presence of the leaders of more than 30 African missions in Qatar and international organisations.Africa Agenda

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Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda

Africa Agenda
At the event, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Ethiopia in Qatar, H.E. Feisel Aliyie, lauded the celebration of Africa Day, emphasising its importance for Africans in protecting and maintaining their shared values and tightening ties.
In delivering opening remarks, H.E. Ambassador Abdullah bin Hussein Mohammed al-Jaber, Director of African Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Qatar appreciated the longstanding and friendly relationship his country has with Africa, further pledging to strengthen it with multifaceted engagements.
The Ethiopian Embassy in Qatar in collaboration with the Ethiopian Community Association showcased cultural Ethiopian clothing, cuisine, and the famous Ethiopian traditional coffee ceremony to participants at the event.